The Problem With This Pandemic Is…

Things To Take Back Control Of

David Chislett
3 min readOct 5, 2020
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

The Problem with this pandemic is that is has pushed nearly everyone into a state of mind that we’d rather not endure: uncertainty.

As a creativity expert, this irony is not lost on me. Being open to ambiguity and complexity are two of the most important mental states that Creativity requires… and they are uncertain places to be. I fear that the reason so many people avoid creative thinking is that it requires admitting to large amounts of uncertainty.

And here we are, in the Covid19 era… where nothing is certain. There are so many questions about face masks, vaccines, social distancing, how infectious is it really, who is at risk now and so on and so on.

And you can see what an impact this much daily uncertainty has had on people: so many new ideas and ways of coping/adapting and reinventing. But at the same time, so much anxiety, stress and worry.

Embracing uncertainty in order to discover the hidden possibilities around you is one thing. But living with it on every level, every single day, is quite another.

My advice at this stage is to follow the old wise adage of taking control of the things that you Can actually control and not worrying about the things that you can’t.



David Chislett

I believe we are all creative. I use my experience — poet, musician, trainer— & the latest research into creativity to help you discover yours